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What Type of Social Media Consumer Are You?

What Type of Social Media Consumer Are You?

What Type of Social Media Consumer Are You?
What Type of Social Media Consumer Are You?

       What kind of social media consumer are you? Are you a social media prude, promiscuous, slut or whore? We think once we all become a member of social networks we start out a little promiscuous and invite all of your friends to follow along with you. You reach out to old friends and old co-workers and follow them. You want all types of businesses and highly successful people. You start down the street to be an interpersonal media slut. You learn to follow everything that comes on your path. It is like, like, like, and please follow me and good friend me. You easily become a slut. Putting yourself out there for all to enjoy. At some point you go in the other direction and turn into a social media prude and learn to un-friend people you just don't care about. You un-like businesses that post to often and stop following those frustrating people who only post political things and go along fake news.

Anywhere along the way you will find a balance and find what works. Some of you are happy as a prude and some of you are happy to be a slut. There exists absolutely nothing drastically wrong with either end of the spectrum as long as you are comfortable. I can admit I am happy to be a whore.

Why am i not a slut? As someone in viral marketing, I have to follow people and have people follow me. We want to be away there so I can spread my brand and get people to view my blog and sites. I want more people to see my discussions and promote my articles. I want visitors to pass on my posts virally. That is straightforward to be a slut. I went from 400 friends on Fb to five, 000 in a matter of 2 months. Put yourself away there and you could be a slut quickly.

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I no longer always desire to be a whore, I strive one day to be a cultural media whore! You might be asking yourself exactly what is the big difference between a slut and whore. Well it is rather simple, a whore gets paid while a slut won't. A kinder way to refer to someone might be to call them a social media changer. An influencer is an user on social systems who have established credibility in a particular industry. A changer has access to a sizable audience and can convince others due to their authenticity and reach. These kinds of people get paid to post about where they eat, the actual wear and what hash label they use. So why not certainly be a whore? We might as well get paid for what I actually was doing for free. If people are prepared to pay me then a babe I will be!

What type of social mean user are you?


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