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How Do I Submit ACES to Amazon?

How Do I Submit ACES to Amazon?

How Do I Submit ACES to Amazon?
How Do I Submit ACES to Amazon?

   Amazon's Part Finder widget always relies on ACES data to help individuals find the right component for their vehicles. The data which flows through numerous systems is always submitted through XML feeds. If you are thinking about a utility, then it's nothing but the Amazon Merchant Transport Utility (AMTU). So, as you scroll ahead you can check out the steps and get the answer to your question.

How do I submit ACES to Amazon?

When it's time to submit ACES to Amazon, you first need to go through the entire document. Later, you need to verify the brand names for which you would be sending the data. At this instance, you need to look for the brand names with the data present in the AAIA brand table.

In case there are any missing brand names, then you can go through the brand table published on the site,

Soon after you ensure that everything exists, then you need to add the missing part to the AAIA's PCdb.

Later, you have to prepare an ACES data sample and include 5-10 application records.

As you use look into the Anatomy of the ACES file, it's necessary to validate the header elements. Besides, you have to compare the application records with the standard ones that have been stated in the file.

Now, you should understand the information thoroughly and validate the ACES data sample against the aces3_1.xsd schema. If required, then you should check for errors and rectify them accordingly.

When it's time to send the ACES data, it can be sent through two phases.

Phase 1

Initially, you should send the details through an email to When you are drafting the body, you should state the company's name, the brand names, and whether you're the owner of the brands.

Once the recipient gets the email, he may reply back with certain changes. If it's necessary, then the ACES file has to be updated and sent once again.

Once you seek the approval, you would get the ACES data provider credentials. Please be sure that you don't lose the credentials or share them with anybody.

Phase 2

In such a phase, you need to verify the systems with the Amazon Merchant Transport Utility (AMTU) requirements.

Post installing and configuring the utility, you should be sure if you are already a seller on the online portal and have a set of Seller Central Credentials. These credentials wouldn't really work to send the ACES data. Instead, you need to gather the new merchant ID, new access Key ID, Secret key and create an account.

You then have to understand how the AMTU tool actually works. Later, you need to send the file through the AMTU by keeping it in a folder within the AMTU's Document Transport directory.

In case you come across errors, then you should correct them and re-send the failed records.

As changes are reflected in the ACES data, you should continue to send the net-change feeds by placing the file in the outgoing folder.

On an ongoing basis, the errors have to be reviewed right from the processing reports folder.

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Finally, you should always remember to monitor the processing reports once you submit ACES to Amazon. The non-obvious element names should then be identified for relating a result record to an app record in ACES feed.


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