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The Internet Lifestyle For College Students

The Internet Lifestyle For College Students

The Internet Lifestyle For College Students
The Internet Lifestyle For College Students

 The reality that most college students are facing when they graduate from school are either.


They will not be able to find a job.


If they do find a job, it won't be the one that they want to work at.

Which is why starting an internet business in their dorm room and working on it around their schedule is the best option for them.

Many go out and do part-time work, but that is really a waste of time.

Students would better off using that same amount of time to working on an internet business that will start bringing them in passive income.

There are 2 types of income that you can earn.

Active income- the amount you are paid for by the hour for being there.

Passive Income- money coming to you, whether or not you working or not!!

See the difference?

Your main goal in your career is to set up a business that allows you to earn MASSIVE passive income daily!!

This what the schools aren't teaching their students and it is a huge problem in our society.

Okay, now that you understand the difference between active and passive income.

Here are the 4 steps to starting your online business from your dormitory and living the internet lifestyle.

1). Target a market or niche.

2). Set-up a 1-page opt-in site.

3). Drive a lot of traffic to that site.

4). Monetize that traffic.

This is an outline of what your internet business should look like.

Now, let go little more into details here about each step.

Targeting a niche.

Do your research and find out what type of problems your classmates are facing in school or look to find a product or market that is being underserved.

Once you find it.

Go get a product or service that can solve that problem.

It's really that simple.

Also, make sure that the market you choose is full of hungry prospects.

Because the market will always determine the niche that you choose.

After you find your affiliate product.

Buy a domain name and set up a 1-page site.

You will need to write up a short 12-page report that you give away to people who opt-in to your newsletter.

Your report must be of value to your prospect, because you want to build trust with them.

Next, do videos to drive traffic to your site.

I would interview experts and then link your site in the resource box.

Start a Facebook group as well.

Write a few articles or share some in your newsletter.

The next thing is to start making money from all your previous efforts.

You should have already signed up with a ClickBank/Commission Junction and any other affiliates.

It's free too, so don't worry about that.

I like to contact companies who don't have an affiliate program and then help them create one and create a distribution channel from it.

Look, this is just an outline that any college student can use.

Keep in mind too.

 You may also be interested: How To Find Product Ideas And Information

This only cost you about 30$ to start and you can use that money bootstrap your way from there.


Get started today on doing your market research and find a hungry market and then follow the steps I gave you here in this article!

Good luck!


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